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Working closely with the Architects, CAPA proposed a landscape scheme for the ground floor and street interface while a podium landscape with multiple spaces would provide additional apartment amenity.   


UDIA 2019 Awards for Excellence

Winner of the Russel Perry Award for Urban Development Excellence

Winner for Excellence in High Density Development

Finalist for Environmental Excellence


Project Details

Mt Pleasant, Western Australia



Client: Stirling Capital

Architect: MJA Studio

CAPA Team:

Steven Postmus - Project Director

Qian Yun Say

Renders by Binyan + MJA Studio

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The development process included discussions with local council and the Office of Government Architect (OGA) with the objective to provide a quality and enriched outcome for the development.


Photograph_ Dion Robeson

2018 04 04 Upcam Final_med_MJA.jpg
6. Podium bar.jpg

Design challenges + opportunities included providing a naturescape playground approach for the playground at the client’s request. CAPA investigated these opportunities to interpret them for the local and space. Led by Steven Postmus who had previously worked as the Lead Design Architect for the iconic King’s Park Education Building, Arboretum and Natureplay interface, CAPA developed a nautical themes approach. Bows, telescopes and water elements are interpreted to engage children and also be a sculptural element for the project.


Cirque _ Stage 2

In Development


CAPA Team:

Justin Carrier - Designer + Director

Steven Postmus

Cassandra Smith


MJA Studio